Think tank series on cycling - "The Future of Sydney #session 1 - Friday 2 July 2021

rCITI's senior lecturer Dr Meead Saberi hosted the first of the think tank series on cycling - "The Future of Sydney - Friday 2 July 2021.

There were open discussions about some of the key urban issues in Sydney, with the focus on cycling infrastructure and safety.

We heard from Dr Nicholas Hunter, Research and Policy Advisor at Bicycle Network and Dr Ben Beck, Head of Sustainable Mobility and Safety Research in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (SPHPM) at Monash University.
Who presented some of their recent research and activities on cycling safety. We were  also privileged have Yvonne Weldon, the first Aboriginal Australian candidate for Lord Mayor of Sydney also join our session.

For further information please contact Dr Meead Saberi,  Email:


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