ARC 2022 Linkage Projects scheme recipient

We would like congratulate Australian Research Council (ARC) 2022 Linkage Projects scheme recipients awardees, especially - Professor Vinayak Dixit (rCITI, UNSW), Emeritus Professor Michael Regan (rCITI, UNSW), Dr Stefan Wolter (Ford). They received this award for their project -  "A Road Out of Motion Sickness in Autonomous Vehicles", for $345,388.

Autonomous vehicles have found to provide significant improvements in safety and efficiency, as well as the potential to comfortably engage in other activities including work and entertainment.

Motion sickness is particularly a significant source of concern in this regard, with factors ranging from demographics, vehicle kinematics to in-vehicle designs affecting the likelihood of discomfort.

This study aims to:-
(1) understanding factors inducing motion sickness in AVs;
(2) Evaluating individuals' preferences between comfort and travel attributes (including in-vehicle tasks);
(3) Develop and evaluate mitigation strategies for motion sickness in AVs. Insights from this research will help improve adoption of automated vehicles on the roadways.

Linkage Projects grant are aimed to support projects which initiate or develop long term strategic research alliances to apply advanced knowledge to problems, acquire new knowledge and as a basis for securing commercial and other benefits of research.

For more information please contact:-

Prof Vinayak Dixit 

Emertius Professor Michael Regan



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