Three Minute Thesis (3MT) school round

An audience of approx 60 students and staff turned up today to support the CVEN research students in their presentation of the 3MT at the school round of competition in the design studio.

Congratulations to:-

1st Place - Soheil Heydari (CIES), Waste Plastics Paving Green Roads
2nd Place - Esta Qiu (rCITI), Reclaiming your welfare lost in transit
3rd Place - Badal Pokharel (Surveying), Preparing for the next Himalayan Quake induced landslides

The winner of the CVEN competition received a $500 prize.

Soheil and Esta will move to the faculty round of the competition.  

Faculty will award 3 prizes will be awarded including: First prize $1,500; Runner-up prize $750; People's choice prize $500.

L-R: Badal Pokharel, Soheil Heydari, Esta Qiu


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