CEAR / rCITI Workshop – Risk in Transport Systems

CEAR / rCITI Workshop – Risk in Transport Systems

Date: 20-21 March 2014


This workshop aims to bring together transportation engineers working on risk, transportation economists, and experimental economists working on transportation risk. It is not meant as a large conference on every aspect of risk in transport systems, which includes choices made with respect to safety, evacuation, travel time uncertainty and institutional decisions.


The following distinguished international guest speakers from Australia, USA, and Europe include:-

1. Elisabet Rutstrom (CEAR, Georgia State University, USA): Route Choice Under Risk and Uncertainty.
2. Andre de Palma (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France) : Risk and Uncertainty: Theory and Evidence.
3. Mogens Fosgerau (DTU. Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) Commuting for meetings.
4. John Rose (University of South Australia) Risks in Public Private Partnerships.
5. Vinayak Dixit (rCITI, UNSW, Australia) Risk Attitudes and Beliefs: Application to Safety.
6. Thomas Rutherford (University of Wisconsin Madison, USA) Regional Labor Markets, Commuting and the Economic Impact of Road Pricing.

 Sponsored by:

  • The Research Center for Integrated Transportation Innovation (rCITI) at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNSW Australia.
  • The Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) at Georgia State University, Georgia, USA.
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